Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fun in the snow

The thaw came as promised, and made sticky snow out of drifty snow.

(Mainers may not have 1000 words to describe snow, but we do have a lot of adjectives.)

Aimee came back from snowshoeing to her forest tree plots and decided to make a snowman.

She made me help.

Then there was a slight difficulty getting the nose to stay in place.

I had to go out later and stick it back on.

A nose job, for a snowman.

Nip and tuck.

Sheep are quite happy to eat the remainder of a snowman's nose, as long as it is the traditional carrot.

I admit, I love Nellie more than the other sheep, which is why she got the carrot.

But Aimee went out later with other left-over vegetables.

All's well that ends well.

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