Friday, September 26, 2008

Busy as a couple of one armed paper hangers... what we are now that college has started. Aimee is especially busy, as she is tapped for so many groups and committees. I have a barn to build with students, and two map-reading classes, but these activities include exercise, which at least makes me feel physically better.

Aimee is struggling to keep her chin up. And yesterday was our fourth wedding anniversary.

What this means is no blogging, or not much blogging for me.

We are still doing farm and homestead stuff to blog about, but less of it, especially now that most of the harvest is in. We have one pig, three lambs, and a trellis full of dry beans left to go. Everything else is in the house and canned, root-cellared, refrigerated, shelved or otherwise preserved. The remaining feeder pig and lambs will go soon.Soon the bad weather will come and we will slow down again. But this is the busy time at college.


But regular readers in need of a rural fix can do what I do: visit other blogs. Here are my favorites.

"Life at the end of the road" : a crofter on Raasay, a Scottish island I used to know well.

"Musings from a Stonehead"
: Another crofter, in eastern Scotland

"Sugar Mountain Farm"
, in Vermont

"Throwback at Trapper Creek", in Oregon

"Colour it Green", in southwest England

What I like most about these blogs is the daily round of work, and how similar it is to ours.

Time to go let the ewes out to graze. And it's Friday. I'm looking forward to a rainy slow weekend of not doing much at all.

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Welcome to our Farm Blog.
The purpose of this blog is for Aimee and I to communicate with friends and family, with those of our students, and other folks in general who are interested in homesteading and farming activities.

The earliest posts, at the very end of the blog, tell the story of the Great Farm, our purchase of a fragment of that farm, the renovation of the homestead and its populating with people and animals. Go all the way to the last post in the archive and read backwards from there to get it in chronological order.

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Spammers -- don't bother writing -- there's no way I will post your spam to my blog. Just go away.