Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nag order and other pictures for Turkey Day

Aimee was sternly correcting my husbandly behavior this morning (for some reason already forgotten -- just how effective is this particular form of marital discourse anyway). I had the camera in my hand, so this may have been a mistake on her part. She realized I was taking her picture in mid-nag, and took evasive action. Unfortunately for her, I'm taller, so we settled for a high angle shot. She used her hands to block the shot, reminiscent of basketball action.

Meanwhile, just to show what a good husband I actually am, here is the fine extension I built, now almost finished with proper trim and doors. There's some quarter-round molding to go along the baseboard (AKA "skirting board" in the English version of English), and then she'll be done.

"T' job's a good un," as they say in Yorkshire. Almost.

I really do think that it's good too. Very good. I really like the light in these rooms. I also enjoy the view of our main sheep paddock/woodlot.

Here's Aimee's spectacular marine-themed color scheme in the bedroom. It will need some colorful organisms to set it off, a few floating jellyfish, or some sea squirts, in honor of her marine science specialty.

And here's the finish work from the other direction.

It hasn't been all trim work this vacation. There was the small problem of vehicle and yard winterization. I also had to put the garden to bed. Here's all our carrots in our outside fridge. Three large boxes, about fifty pounds.

The sheep had to put up with inclement weather yesterday, about three inches of rain, followed by a hard freeze. I was worried that their fleeces would freeze and that they'd get cold. We considered bringing them into the barn, but that would have involved some difficulty with the ram. The barn is open to the North Paddock, the fence of which would not have been ram-proof.

In the end they were fine. I checked their fleeces this morning and they were warm and dry, just a little frosty on the tips. Amazing animals, sheep. They can stand almost any weather.

While I was working on the carrot patch, the sheep got lots of damaged carrots, and all the left-over beets. They were very happy.

Here's what we have left of a garden. A few leeks, the Brussel sprouts, most of which will get eaten today for Thanksgiving Dinner, some cabbage stalks that were left after the cabbage harvest and that grew back, and three-quarters of a row of parsnips, which will be very good in the spring. The digging fork also marks a few carrots I left in the ground in case there's a thaw before Christmas.

And here's our compost heap, the largest we've ever had. All that moisture yesterday should set it off nicely.

All things to be Thankful for. (Even the slightly naggy wifey.)

But now it's time to get ready for a good dinner. Happy Thanksgiving!

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