Sunday, April 6, 2008

Aimee's chick-sitting scheme

(Posted on our college list serve under the title "Chicks" thereby ensuring every male on the list-serve would read it and weep.)

>>>Are you thinking of getting chickens?
I'm getting ready to order pullets (female chicks) and there is a minimum number you have to order. I only want a couple so I can have a rotation in our flock with some always in prime production. So, it would be great if there are a few other folks who would also like to get a couple chicks so we can combine orders.
I need to place the order by 10 April (this Thursday) and I would pick up the chicks on 8 or 9 May and hold them until we arrange for you to pick-up or me to drop-off. I could even keep them for you until they're ready to go outside if you wouldn't be ready for them until later in the summer.
Chicks are $1.95 each. I'm ordering Buff Orpingtons. It would be easier if the order consisted of only one breed, but it's not entirely necessary. If you really want a different breed, the others available are: RI Reds, Barred Rocks, Golden Comets, Babcock White Leghorns, Black Giants, Black Sex Links, Light Brahmas, Black Australorps, Brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, NH Reds, Golden Laced Wyandottes, Araucanas, and Silver Laced Wyandottes.
Let me know by Wednesday if you want in.

Oh yes. I want in all right.

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