Monday, April 27, 2009

Signs of spring so far

The temperature the last couple days has been up in the 70s, although it's supposed to cool off again soon. It hasn't frozen at night for a while. I expect it will again, but maybe only a handful of times between now and May 18th, the average date of last frost and the official start of the growing season.

These are in no particular order, except the order in which I thought of them.

1) Lambs, of course.
2) Peepers, no doubt. UK readers should have a recording, so they can appreciate how loud these small frogs are. Maybe I'll make one.
3) Crocuses, then tulips, followed by daffodils. For some reason the tulip/daffodil order is reversed over the UK. No idea why.
4) Aimee's plant spouts in the greenhouse.
5) The sore, sunburned spot on the hair-thinning place on top of my head.
6) Juvenile mosquitoes, seen night before last for the first time. One of these little buggers tried to bite me.
7) Leaf buds and/or flower blooms on poplar, red maple, elm, lilac, oak. No full fledged leaves as yet.
8) Phoebes inspecting the barn, seeing if it will make a nice home. Completely ignoring Aimee's purpose-built phoebe-nesting shelf. Phoebes are a kind of flycatcher.
9) The frost-sown clover sprouting in the various paddocks.
10) Green grass here and there, not long enough yet for sheep to graze. Only 30 bales of hay left. The grass had better get growing!
11) Potatoes in the cellar growing "eyes." I need to get the garden composted and tilled.
12) No heat needed in the house. Fire has been out for days.
13) Heat needed in the greenhouse, still.
14) Can open a window in the house during the day without freezing.
15) Cats let out to patrol. Dead rodents brought into the house.
16) Mick outside working all day, except when napping or blogging or eating.
17) Aimee drying clothes on the line.
18) Firewood pile now growing again, not shrinking.
19) The occasional stroller or four-wheeler comes by on the woods trail. No snowmobiles.
20) Blossoms on apples and cherries seem ready to pop out, but haven't yet. We have beautiful spring blossoms, which is one reason I often spare the bird cherries when working in the woods.

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