Sunday, April 1, 2012

Shawn and Sherlock

Here's Molly with her twins. Aimee's photo, stolen from her Facebook page. Although I bought yet another (secondhand) digital camera (my fifth), and although it takes photos, I haven't yet figured out how to make it download.

Molly started showing "signs" Friday afternoon, and I stuck her in the lamb pen Friday evening, but when nothing had happened by morning I kicked her out again. By Saturday afternoon she was again showing signs, more definite this time, doing the pawing up the dirt thing. Back in the lamb pen she went.

I went in to make some dinner, and when I went back out just before eating said dinner, there was one lamb. I went in to get Aimee and when by the time I got back out there was a second.

These two are apparently to be named Shawn and Sherlock.

Shawn may be the one we keep as our own ram for the years after we get done with Bentley. Molly has a different sire than all our other breeding ewes, and there are none of her own daughters among the flock, so if we let Bentley go after one more year and breed Shawn to the other ewes the two years after that, we won't need to buy or borrow a new ram for four more years.

The sheepdogs are very excited to hear the lambs in the barn. We'll have to be careful with that, as these two dogs are still very young and rambunctious.

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