Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Snow Daze

What a lot of snow we've had already! The climate deniers will be rampant. How few of them understand that additional precipitation accompanies global warming, though. Showing their ignorance. But our little tractor, and neighbor Hamilton's Dodge plow truck, have been busy. Would that real life was like Thomas the Tank Engine, where the machines happily do the work by themselves.

Yesterday, before the latest big storm, I cleaned out a bay in the barn and put a gate on it in preparation for piglets, who will come from a local supplier soon after lambs are born. Tootsie, who with Tilley is co-CEO of the Womerlippi sheep herd enterprise, was a little out of sorts, off her feed, and so if we'd had to isolate her, the new bay would have been good. (She seemed better last night.)

It will also be good come lambing time, as a lambing"jug." Mothers who don't want to, or don't know how to feed can be isolated with their offspring in a confined space, where the lambs have a better chance of starting the feeding process. Watch this space for lamb pictures in March and April.

Today, I guess I'll be moving snow again.

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